HELLO. Ok I'm so gonna revive this dead blog,have nothing to do. Anyway last week I bought a NDSLite :D At first I felt that it was a waste of money. Then pokemon hooked me up :p But I'll probably get bored sooner or later.. Then I'll get back to my already-rotting psp D: Recently been taking up japanese classes with my cousin. Quite fun,and it's freaking hard to master the language. So many characters and 2 categories for them x.x And schools starting next week. I HAVE TO WORK HARD. K I PROMISE ILL WORK HARD OR ELSE MY DS AND PSP WILL SPOIL Yay 4 more days to my birthday. I WONDER WHO WILL REMEMBER?!?! (Hopes arent high tho) kthxbai. Too many things I'd done wrong. Too many mistakes. Too many regrets. And I only have myself to blame.
Showing posts from 2009